create procedure and diagnosis icd list using for complication definition

cmp_pr_dx_code_map(complication_map = cmp_define)



: pre-defined csv input data names located at input data folder "icd910_dx_pr_2cmp_fmt.sas7bdat"


cmp_pr = ICD9/10 for procedures; cmp_dx = ICD9/10 for diagnosis; all_n = number of digits to match with


use for define complications (complication_flags).

  1. Create the ICD9/10 Dx/PR to complications mapping format

  2. Create the complication flags at the DX/PR code level: two sets of complication flags, one w/o POA, another set w. poa

  3. Rollup the complication flags to facility claim level

  4. Merge the complication flags to the main analytic file note: both DX and pr code are used to define complication, however pr should be within 30days, dx has no time frame.